From now on, every PhD student can edit its own student profile page.
How to:
If you are a PhD student, once you have logged in, you will see a menu on the left called Student Account from which you can find a link to your own Student Page.
At the moment you can add general infos as: name, ciclo, email, office, ...
Moreover, you can add items like:
by simply selecting them from the course list and seminar list respectively.
remember that only you and the admin can edit your page.
I've added some infos, check them and update your own profile as soon as possible!
Ps: You can see all the students profiles in the Current Students page. If you want to change (or delete) your associated picture it suffices to change your user profile picture from your account page.
In order to have a uniform style, I suggest to update a 200x200pix picture.
...and more is to come
i'm going to add a new content type: Publication
This could be used both for enriching our student profile page and for giving a wide spectrum of our research activity.