In this page some rules of the PhD school at Udine are summarized. For further information please refer to the Ripartizione Ricerca site or contact the director of the program.
The PhD student must obtain 6 credits in the first two years of his PhD course. These credits can be obtained by passing the exams of PhD courses held in Udine, or the exams of PhD Schools, or, in some cases, by passing some Computer Science laurea degree advanced courses. Moreover, if a PhD school does not provide any exam, it is possible to pass the exam by giving a seminar presentation on the topics covered by the school here at DIMI. The topics, the structure of the presentation and the credits that will be granted must be previosly approved by the Director. See PhD courses and School for further information. Every exam usually correspond to 1 credit (tipically equivalent to 20 hours of an intensive Doctoral course). A plan of the Ph.D. studies should be approved at the beginning of the first year by the director of the PhD program. The students can make a limited teaching activity (about 24 hours of lectures) after the first year. This activity must be approved by collegio dei docenti, so the students must present a written request indicating the type and the total number of lectures, before the beginning of the academic year (or at least before the beginning of their activity). The students are kindly invited to participate once to the International Doctoral School in Computer Science held every year in Bertinoro. At this school it is possible to attend 3 courses and it is necessary to pass at least 2 of the three exams
Every PhD student must choose a supervisor belonging to Collegio dei Docenti. It is also possible to choose one external supervisor who must be approved by Collegio dei Docenti.
The PhD school is partly supported by Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica (e.g. for paying external courses and for co-financing equipment). Most of the support must come from research funds belonging to supervisors.
Doctoral students must respect the following deadlines:
The presentation must be written in a not too specific language, becuase some of the readers may be not familiar with the domain. Example 1 - Example 2
Thesis work
The thesis work is reviewed by a committee of 3 professors belonging to Collegio dei Docenti (internal referees) and 2 professors belonging to other universities (external referees). At least one of the two external referees should come from a foreign country. One of the 3 internal referees is the PhD student supervisor. The thesis proposal (made 1.5 years after the PhD start) should be approved by the three internal referees. A draft copy of the thesis has be sent to the 5 referees at the end of the third year. The referees evaluate the thesis and say if it the work is suitable for a Doctoral Degree. They propose also some corrections and improvements for the final version of the thesis which should get ready two months after the end of the PhD school.
Summary of the deadlines:
The official italian version can be found here